Event sponsorship offer

Two big reasons why this

collaboration is a brilliant idea

1. My audience is your audience!

2. Everything I do in my art and social media is about the importance of mental health. 
It has led me to a community of people who understand my pain and together we learn to understand joy.

I am a war refugee artist and by sharing my personal story through art and social media, I reached out to people with PTSD, anxiety, depression, OCD, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism and to abuse and discrimination survivors. We all work a lot so we cannot easily make time for in-person appointments but we “would love to get consultation one day”. 

We are Millennials and Gen Zs who trust technology but have a habit of postponing decision-making until someone puts all the tools in their hands. Most of us travel a lot, so we communicate online. Therefore, making a showcase of your services is my sincere care for 
my audience and a continuation of everything 
I do as an artist and content creator.


Demographic Data:  
Age: 18 - 44 y.o.
Gender: 54% men, 45% women 
80% have high education
Average income from 1,500 to 5,000 per month
Geographic Data: (English speakers as + to their native language)

57% France 
13% Ukraine
7% US
5% Germany  
Psychographic Data: 
Self-development. People who learn how to take care of themselves and prioritize improving their own lives. In childhood, they were abused by their family and discriminated against by society, so as adults they focus on learning to feel good about themselves. 

Active in political opinion. They fight for human rights (minorities). They use ecological products. They attend art events such as concerts, exhibitions, movies, etc. They learn to take time for cooking, doing sports and meditation. Through a difficult life, they developed a dark sense of humor and a passion for cinema.

Behavioral Data: 
Emotional expenses for what will bring them impressions, good emotions, nostalgia. They spend money on products/brands that help them take care of their health, comfort and are environmentally friendly brands. From 
orthopedic mattresses to favorit chewing gum from childhood.

Technographic Data: 
90% of interaction takes place over the phone. (Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, Tiktok) 10% viewing of YouTube videos on TVs

The topics of my songs are human rights, the importance of mental health, depression, discrimination against unprivileged people, war, abuse, freedom of expression and oppressed society. I share my personal story and thus find understanding among people who have had similar experiences.

How do I attract such type of audience

Social Media:
I continue to talk about the topics I raise in my music and together we try to get out of the self-destruction circle. My honesty and informal behavior on SM created the type of relationship like a chat between friends rather than a “content creator - fans” dynamic. We have trust and deep respect for each other (despite the stupid jokes and inappropriate emojis that we always use among each other:) ).

Why Sponsor This Show?

 1. Your brand will be showcased to 200+ attendees during the live show in the context of an art performance that will reveal the importance of your services, with additional exposure to at least 30,000 views through post-event content across YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
2. Associating with a mental health-focused event created by War Refuge queer artist who publicly confronts depression, PTSD and survivor's guilt enhances your brand’s image as a supportive and caring service, committed to community well-being.
3. Direct audience engagement and conversions through multiple touchpoints with potential customers: Live event, recorded videos, social media posts, email campaigns, and influencer partnerships.
4. Potential for increased traffic to your platform: Link placements in video descriptions, social media posts, and email invitations can drive direct clicks and sign-ups.
5. Your logo will be prominently displayed on stage, in promotional materials establishing a strong brand presence.

Product integration (showcase) into the show

I want to showcase how your service works in action and to make it entertaining and natural, I will integrate your service into the show.

Key points that I would like to demonstrate during the show:

1. convenience of online consultations
2. general impression of what therapy is. Many people (like myself until recently) perceive this as weakness and shifting their problems onto others. It is as if a psychologist is the one who will tell us what to do because we cannot figure it out on our own. That's why the ego says "I can figure it out myself." I want to show that going to a psychologist is like wearing glasses if you have been diagnosed with poor eyesight. Show that the psychologist helps you see better so that you can consciously and independently make decisions and move forward.
The main theme of the show is the importance of mental health. I survived 2 episodes of suicide and at this concert I am burying the old mechanisms (people pleaser and self-destruction) that once protected me, but in adult life destroyed me. Dark comedy, rock'n'roll music and elegant vintage visuals that have a strong spirit of theater.
During the entire show, I will be on the call with my therapist (with a representative from your platform with whom we prepare together in advance). There will be a speaker on stage (with your logo on it) and during the show I will address the therapist and the therapist will respond. 

My style of communication during the concert is very free form. Jokes, laughter and breaking the standards of a regular concert. Therefore, it will be very natural to have such a format. Such a public consultation will help me be more vulnerable in front of the audience, create comic relief (at the beginning of the show) and deeper and even dramatic moments at the end of the show. (I am preparing a show script that I will provide in case of our cooperation to prepare for the show together). Such an interaction will demonstrate to the audience exactly what therapy does and that we can deal with pain on our own, but we don't have to. Show that accepting help is not a weakness but a sign of strength, care and self-love.

How I do it:

Quality and amount of attention to the brand

I offer 3 types of attention:

1. During the live show:
150 people focused on a 1.5 hour show during which I showcase the brand's services in action.
Date: Octobre 25.2024
Location: La Dame De Canton (5 Port de la Gare, 75013 Paris)
Capacity: 200 + restaurant
Duration: opening act 30min. Main show 90min
2. Post-Event Coverage: The concert will be recorded on 5 cameras with high-quality sound, cut into 8 separate videos and released on such platforms as YouTube and Spotify.
Each of these videos averages 600 - 1.5k views on YouTube + reposting excerpts of these videos on social media for several months after the show (30\40 videos). Together, this is approximately at least 30,000 more views of content in which your brand is demonstrated in action and in the context of art performance.
3. Marketing Plan before the Event:
- We have a planned shooting at the concert venue on September 9. The filmed content involving the brand will be used to edit 40 short videos for the promo concert on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok and YouTube shorts.
- I am negotiating with 73 Parisian micro-influencers (LGBT activists) with whom we are planning a mutual repost of the content (which mentions the sponsor of the concert) 2 weeks before the concert.
- From each previous concert in Paris, I collected an email list that currently contains 1,453 contacts who will receive a personalized invitation to the concert with the info about the sponsor of the show.
- 100 posters around Paris (in locations with a targeted audience) with the sponsor of the concert on the poster and a number in case of need for mental support.
- An interview on "Crescendo Live" radio is scheduled for September 16, in which I will talk about the concert and provide information about the sponsor.

By sponsoring this story, you will become a part of it and that is what will make you so valuable in the eyes of my audience.

Contact information